Martina Lopez (Constructed images)
Martina Lopez is a photographer who has a unique way of showing of different images such as portraits. What I find most unique about her images are the memories that it creates. By this I mean it makes you look at the images as if those who've you lost in life are at peace. It doesn't always have to deal with someone who looks at peace but the images that she uses each have a different background that flows with the image itself. It makes you look at the image for a longer duration in my opinion because of how unique/cool it looks. Most of the images that she uses look like paintings or portraits that were taken in the early 1900's. This just goes to show how developed our technology is now and days to be able to take something old and place any background you want with the image. Instead of the image being by itself and being plain the backgrounds add more of a story to it that you can try to guess what it means. It makes the image look more appealing and interesting to l...