Matthew Rolston (Portraits)

 Matthew Rolston is photographer who also works with videos as well. When looking at all of Matthew's photos the one thing that you will notice is that all of the people that he takes pictures of are famous people who are actresses, actors, or singers. They are well known through publicity. When looking at all the images the first thing that catches my eye when looking through all of his photos are the lighting that he uses for each image. He really knows how to make a certain image pop and make it come to life. Every portrait is different especially when it comes to the individual. He finds poses that suits the individual best in my opinion. Also, I like the different colors that he uses in some photos. It really makes certain pictures pop more especially with how good he is when it comes to the lighting that he uses. Not to mention the different facial expressions that he makes the individuals use definitely makes you look at the pictures differently. They give certain images power. His images make me want me to go out and take pictures just because of how cool they look. This just goes to show how powerful photography can be.
