Lee Friedlander

 Lee Friedlanders photo's to me all give me early 1900's vibes because they are all done in mostly black and white. I like that most of his photos are done in black and white because it gives the photo a different feel. It makes you look at the photo differently as compared to if it was in color. With most of the photos that he has taken he turned them from nothing into something. The way that he can make a photo unique is very interesting to me. The photo down below that he took is where I go on vacation just about every summer in Yosemite. When looking at this picture it brings back a lot of memories and makes me picture myself as If I'm actually there. That is what I think a lot of his photos do when looking at them. The different types of photos that he takes are those things that you would see everyday but he is very creative with how he makes the photo appear. It makes you look at it in way that would have never looked at it before. This just goes to show that you walk around art just about everyday it's all just about perspective.
