Still Life (Paulette Tavormina)
Paulette Tavormina is a still life photographer who uses her images to try and mimic seventeenth century old master still life painters. When looking at her work most of her images are of flowers or fruits. The images look as if it was a painter who painted it. It makes you think of every flower you have ever seen or makes you think as if you're in a garden. That's what makes her pictures unique in my eyes. It makes you look at things from a different perspective. It allows you to imagine things that you would have never thought of when looking at fruit or flowers or whatever image is taken. The image below caught my eye the most when looking at some of her work. The skull with the vines around the head used as a crown gives me old century vibes such as a queen. When I first saw this image it instantly made me think of Pirates of the Caribbean. The way that she captured the bubbles was also unique. When looking at this image it goes to show you can really capture anything that ...