Blog 1

    Marvin Heiferman article mentions a lot of good uses for photography. The one that I found interesting was how food stylist will use good quality photos for their food so that they can promote it and make it look tasty. It's awesome to see what a photo can do especially what you take pictures of. This is similar to how to how we take pictures of ourselves. We are trying to find our good side or take good pictures of ourselves to share out there on social media or with other people. The article mentioned another great point in my opinion which is that we are all photographers whether we think we aren't. We are constantly taking pictures with our phones which makes us photographers. Every picture that we take with our phone or in general it has a meaning behind it. 
    Photography to me as I mentioned before has a meaning to all of us individually. Every picture that we take has meaning. To me when I see photos that I have taken it brings joy, laughter, or even sadness. This is how strong a photo can be. When looking a photos or even taking photos you aren't just taking them to take them. The photos that you take are taken for a purpose. They allow you to create memories and keep photos to last decades. Taking photos also allows you to express how you feel. Looking at photos from different places that we haven't been to also allows us to imagine what it would be like to visit that certain area. It allows us to project images and create an imagination for what we think it would be like. Photos help us see things that we may have not seen before. It allows us to analyze things more thoroughly. Photography to me is a way to show things more deeply. It's a way to present or showcase something more than what it seems to be. It's a way for us to show our selves of what we can actually look like if that makes sense. 

