Steve McCurry "Where the World Begins"
Steve McCurry is the type of photographer who goes around the world taking photos of different cultures and showing the different types of struggles one is dealing with. His photos allow us to see what is happening in other countries or continents that we would not know of but by him show casing his photos to the world it allows us to see what is happening. The picture below shows how everyone eats at the table and showing how all humans must eat to live. No matter where you're located everyone must eat to survive. This is the way of life. When looking at all of the different pictures that McCurry has posted on his blog site. It show cases how other people from other countries eat differently. What catches my eye most is how most of the pictures have family in it. The facial expressions amongst them showcase stress, happiness, and struggle. What I get from these pictures is that no matter what, the dinner table is where we come together as a family. It is where...